Johnnyinthe56 Art & Life Blog — gift cards

Time For A Bit Of A Clear Out! ART SALE!!!

Posted by Johnny Lord on

Time For A Bit Of A Clear Out! ART SALE!!!

Spring is properly here now, and the longer, brighter days, are making me feel a bit restless and that I need to be moving more. So I'm having a bit of a clear out . I'm going through my stuff bit by bit and just clearing out anything that I don't really like or use and more. It's really energizing - I've found a few things that were lost and seen a few bits and pieces to inspire some new ideas for paintings along the way. Anything that can be reused has been donated, so all in all a pretty...

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What's Happening This Week...

Posted by Johnny Lord on

What's Happening This Week...
Johnnyinthe56 news for this week. Including paintings finished and new pieces started. Along with new artworks added to the shop.

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New Year - New Stuff!

Posted by Johnny Lord on

New Year - New Stuff!
New year - new stuff! Well hello 2022! Come and see all the new stuff on our instagram accounts....

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Merry Christmas! Get your gift vouchers for the perfect last minute Christmas gifts!

Posted by Johnny Lord on

Merry Christmas! Get your gift vouchers for the perfect last minute Christmas gifts!

Ok, so you read the post about 'How to Rock Christmas'  (you did read it didn't you?! and were full of good intentions to get organised and have your very own version of a picture-perfect Christmas. Then life took over and here we are with no gifts and the big day is almost here..... Don't panic - there's still time to get your very own picture-perfect Christmas back  on track! So you need some gifts - right now! You need johnnyinthe56 gift vouchers! The recipient can chose from a wide range of unique and meaningful gifts and the gift vouchers...

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Last Minute Gifts - we've got your back (again)!

Posted by Johnny Lord on

Last Minute Gifts - we've got your back (again)!

Ok, so you read the post about 'How to Rock Christmas' and were full of good intentions to get organised and have your very own version of a picture-perfect Christmas. Then life took over and here we are with no gifts and the festive season looming large..... Don't panic - we've got your back (again) So you need some gifts - like now! Then a johnnyinthe56 gift voucher is a great call. The recipient can chouse from a wide range of unique and meaningful gifts and the gift vouchers come with immediate email delivery. Pop the amounts you'd like in...

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