Johnnyinthe56 Art & Life Blog — gift cards
Gift Giving Made Easy....
Posted by Johnny Lord on

Here's a thing that we all have to embrace - finding the perfect gift and at this time of year its quite likely that you're starting to think about that! It brings most of us out into a cold sweat, but it's OK, take a few deep breaths and know that we can help. It's quite simple. You just need to get a meaningful gift that the recipient will LOVE - again slow down that breathing. Here's how to do just that: DO THIS NOW - doing this now, is the key to success! Make a list of people...
- Tags: art gifts, art prints, buying art, christmas, christmas gifts, christmas presents, eco-friendly gifts, gift, gift cards, gift for dad, gift for daughter, gift for nephew, gift for niece, gift for son, gift guide, gift vouchers, gifts, gifts for brother, gifts for mum, gifts for sister, hoodies, instagram, last minute gifts, meaningful gifts, mugs, original painting, paintings, portrait, portraiture, presents, sustainable gifts, unique gifts
Time For A Bit Of A Clear Out! ART SALE!!!
Posted by Johnny Lord on

Spring is properly here now, and the longer, brighter days, are making me feel a bit restless and that I need to be moving more. So I'm having a bit of a clear out . I'm going through my stuff bit by bit and just clearing out anything that I don't really like or use and more. It's really energizing - I've found a few things that were lost and seen a few bits and pieces to inspire some new ideas for paintings along the way. Anything that can be reused has been donated, so all in all a pretty...
- Tags: art, art gifts, art prints, buying art, crime art, drawings, eco-friendly fashion, eco-friendly gifts, film art, football, gift cards, gift for dad, gift for daughter, gift for nephew, gift for niece, gift for son, gifts for brother, gifts for mum, gifts for sister, great films, hoodies, johnnyinthe56, murals, original painting, paintings, portrait, space art, sustainable fashion, sustainable gifts, working from home
What's Happening This Week...
Posted by Johnny Lord on

- Tags: art, art gifts, art prints, buying art, choosing art, drawings, film art, films, gift cards, gift for dad, gift for daughter, gift for nephew, gift for niece, gift for son, gifts for brother, gifts for mum, gifts for sister, great films, johnnyinthe56, LUFC, meaningful gifts, original painting, paintings, portrait, portraiture, prints, space art, the good the bad the ugly film
New Year - New Stuff!
Posted by Johnny Lord on
- Tags: akira, akira inspired art, akira kurosawa, art, art gifts, art prints, buying art, choosing art, drawings, film art, films, gift cards, gift for dad, gift for daughter, gift for nephew, gift for niece, gift for son, gift vouchers, gifts for brother, gifts for mum, gifts for sister, great films, hoodies, how to buy art, instagram, japanese art, japanese film directors, japanese films, johnnyinthe56, last minute gifts, meaningful gifts, mugs, paintings, posters, prints, sweatshirts
Merry Christmas! Get your gift vouchers for the perfect last minute Christmas gifts!
Posted by Johnny Lord on

Ok, so you read the post about 'How to Rock Christmas' (you did read it didn't you?! and were full of good intentions to get organised and have your very own version of a picture-perfect Christmas. Then life took over and here we are with no gifts and the big day is almost here..... Don't panic - there's still time to get your very own picture-perfect Christmas back on track! So you need some gifts - right now! You need johnnyinthe56 gift vouchers! The recipient can chose from a wide range of unique and meaningful gifts and the gift vouchers...
- Tags: akira, akira inspired art, akira kurosawa, art, art gifts, art prints, buying art, christmas, christmas gifts, christmas presents, film art, gift cards, gift for dad, gift for daughter, gift for nephew, gift for niece, gift for son, gift vouchers, gifts for brother, gifts for mum, gifts for sister, hoodies, johnnyinthe56, last minute gifts, meaningful gifts, mugs