Johnnyinthe56 Art & Life Blog — how to buy art
New Stock Arrivals & More Coming Next Week!
Posted by Johnny Lord on
Hi, this week I've been spending a load of time getting the paintings ready to put in store and they've started to arrive this week. This week we added portraits and some Pulp Fiction Crime inspired paintings. Lots more coming next week, including more portraits and some film art! Don't miss them, take a look here: Original Paintings | Paintings & Drawings by Johnnyinthe56 Thanks & have a great weekend Johnnyinthe56
- Tags: akira, akira inspired art, art, art gifts, art prints, buying art, choosing art, crime art, film art, films, gift for dad, gift for daughter, gift for nephew, gift for niece, gift for son, gifts for brother, gifts for mum, gifts for sister, great films, how to buy art, johnnyinthe56, meaningful gifts, original painting, paintings, portrait, portraiture, posters, prints, Pulp Fiction, pulp fiction crime
New Year - New Stuff!
Posted by Johnny Lord on
- Tags: akira, akira inspired art, akira kurosawa, art, art gifts, art prints, buying art, choosing art, drawings, film art, films, gift cards, gift for dad, gift for daughter, gift for nephew, gift for niece, gift for son, gift vouchers, gifts for brother, gifts for mum, gifts for sister, great films, hoodies, how to buy art, instagram, japanese art, japanese film directors, japanese films, johnnyinthe56, last minute gifts, meaningful gifts, mugs, paintings, posters, prints, sweatshirts
Our Simple 6 Step Guide To Rock Christmas!
Posted by Johnny Lord on
- Tags: akira inspired art, art, art gifts, art prints, buying art, christmas, christmas gifts, drawings, film art, gift for dad, gift for daughter, gift for nephew, gift for niece, gift for son, gifts for mum, hoodies, how to buy art, japanese art, johnnyinthe56, meaningful gifts, mugs, sweatshirts
How Do I Buy Art?
Posted by Johnny Lord on
Here's a question I get asked quite a lot - How Do I Buy Art? It's a really good question and one that can be very easy to answer, with a little thought. When chosing art it is a good idea to ask a few more questions: The following questions will help you answer this one: Why am I buying the Art? to decorate, for a gift, because you like...... Who is it for - you or someone else? Is it for a gift? In that case, it is a good idea to choose a piece that will please the...
- Tags: art, art prints, buying art, choosing art, drawings, film art, films, how to buy art, johnnyinthe56, paintings, posters, prints