Johnnyinthe56 Art & Life Blog — films

New Year - New Stuff!

Posted by Johnny Lord on

New Year - New Stuff!
New year - new stuff! Well hello 2022! Come and see all the new stuff on our instagram accounts....

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The A - Z of Akira Kurosawa

Posted by Johnny Lord on

The A - Z of Akira Kurosawa

Akira Kurosawa is the legendary film director of Japanese cinema. His work has cast a massive influence across cinema all over the world since the 1950s. He produced a really large body of work and inspired many films, from Star Wars to The Magnificent Seven. I am a huge fan of his films and I produced quite a bit of Akira-inspired art. Whilst I've seen many of his films and know a little about him I realise that there is so much more to know. I wanted to do a feature blog piece about Akira and his films, but I'm...

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How Do I Buy Art?

Posted by Johnny Lord on

How Do I Buy Art?

Here's a question I get asked quite a lot - How Do I Buy Art? It's a really good question and one that can be very easy to answer, with a little thought. When chosing art it is a good idea to ask a few more questions: The following questions will help you answer this one: Why am I buying the Art? to decorate, for a gift, because you like...... Who is it for - you or someone else? Is it for a gift? In that case, it is a good idea to choose a piece that will please the...

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My Favourite Films ......

Posted by Johnny Lord on

My Favourite Films ......

I watch loads of films, especially now I paint, as I use them as inspiration for my painting. I thought it would be cool to do a top 10 of my favourite films, but then when I thought about it, a bit more, I realized that my top 10 changes quite often, depending on the weather and my mood and whati've been watching. I also thought it might give you a bit of film inspiration if I just did a big list of my favourites, so here you go..... Please note that many of these are rated 18 UK, so...

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