Johnnyinthe56 Art & Life Blog — drawings
New Paintings In Store This Week!
Posted by Johnny Lord on
A quick catch up of new painting added to the online store this week:
Film art, space art, abstract art and some portraits.
- Tags: art, art gifts, art prints, astronaut, billy bremner, billy liar, buying art, coen brother, coen brother films, crime art, drawings, film art, films, gift for daughter, gift for nephew, gift for niece, gift for son, gifts for brother, gifts for mum, gifts for sister, great films, hoodies, instagram, johnnyinthe56, LUFC, meaningful gifts, original painting, paintings, portrait, portraiture, posters, prints, Pulp Fiction, pulp fiction crime, space art, the coen brothers, tom cortney
Not Sure If I Mentioned That You Can See My Work Progress On Instagram....
Posted by Johnny Lord on
Whilst I love painting and drawing, I'm less sure about the whole social media thing. However, I got into Instagram a while ago and now use it to chart the progress of my paintings and drawings, I usually post there each day, so you can see what I've been up to! My instagram handle is johnnyinthe56. Over the net few weeks I'll be putting up links to new painting and prints, in case you want to buy a copy or even an original!
- Tags: art, art gifts, art prints, buying art, drawings, instagram, original painting, paintings, prints
New Year - New Stuff!
Posted by Johnny Lord on
- Tags: akira, akira inspired art, akira kurosawa, art, art gifts, art prints, buying art, choosing art, drawings, film art, films, gift cards, gift for dad, gift for daughter, gift for nephew, gift for niece, gift for son, gift vouchers, gifts for brother, gifts for mum, gifts for sister, great films, hoodies, how to buy art, instagram, japanese art, japanese film directors, japanese films, johnnyinthe56, last minute gifts, meaningful gifts, mugs, paintings, posters, prints, sweatshirts
Our Simple 6 Step Guide To Rock Christmas!
Posted by Johnny Lord on
- Tags: akira inspired art, art, art gifts, art prints, buying art, christmas, christmas gifts, drawings, film art, gift for dad, gift for daughter, gift for nephew, gift for niece, gift for son, gifts for mum, hoodies, how to buy art, japanese art, johnnyinthe56, meaningful gifts, mugs, sweatshirts
The A - Z of Akira Kurosawa
Posted by Johnny Lord on
Akira Kurosawa is the legendary film director of Japanese cinema. His work has cast a massive influence across cinema all over the world since the 1950s. He produced a really large body of work and inspired many films, from Star Wars to The Magnificent Seven. I am a huge fan of his films and I produced quite a bit of Akira-inspired art. Whilst I've seen many of his films and know a little about him I realise that there is so much more to know. I wanted to do a feature blog piece about Akira and his films, but I'm...
- Tags: akira, akira inspired art, akira kurosawa, art, art prints, choosing art, drawings, film art, films, great films, japanese art, japanese film directors, japanese films, johnnyinthe56, paintings, posters, prints